I always congratulate people when they receive a diagnosis rather than commiserate. So, congratulations and welcome to my world - or your world now too.

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(Before I realized how Substack worked, I replied to the post I got via email & wanted to share it with you)

Ms. Sullivan,

I’m not sure if you’ll see this but I wanted to say thank you.

I’ve been writing and rewriting an article that I want to turn into a book someday. I’ve been writing it for nearly 10 years. It is exactly the email you sent, but the words are always so hard to find.

I was the avatar in your email, and even now some days I fit that description. I have anxiety and depression, albeit not as serious as some, and I strongly suspect I would be diagnosed as autistic if ever I pursued it.

Mental health isn’t mindset. People start to believe that, pay these gurus or influencers or “coaches” and when they don’t get “results” they’re told that it’s because they’re not working hard enough, sacrificing enough, etc. — all the while putting off the real work you mentioned in the forms or therapy and psychiatry.

It is something that should be talked about more but discussing the problems and their roots will never get the clicks that the “solutions” do, especially when you can “cure all of your woes by ‘investing in yourself’ the low, low amount of $2999”.

I don’t know you Felicia, but I would love to connect in one way or another. You seem like a person that wouldn’t mind discussing this or even creating a book on the subject one day. I am also curious about your adult diagnosis and what drove you to seeking that out.

At the very least, thank you again for taking the time to write this.



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